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Team DLA Piper

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Team DLA Piper


DLA Piper's Leadership Alliance for Women (LAW) is sending 10 women on a physical, spiritual and emotional journey into the centre of Australia to raise funds for Indigenous Community Volunteers, a long-term partner and key advisor on our Reconciliation Action Plan.

“Reconciliation is not a black and white issue, it’s a human issue. Why should our babies die at a greater rate, why should there be so much homelessness, youth suicide and incarceration? This is about our humanity, and we should all have the same opportunities.”

Stephanie Harvey, Bidjara woman and mother from Queensland, CEO of Indigenous Community Volunteers (ICV)


Australia is the lucky country – but not for all of us.

If you are one of Australia’s Indigenous people you may not have the same access to health care, welfare, employment or education opportunities.

Conditions in some Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities are far below those enjoyed by most other Australians.

Like you, ICV believes in the ability of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to find local solutions to local problems. We provide the opportunity, respect and practical support they need to make it happen.

It’s reconciliation in action.

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    Community First Development is a registered charity and non-profit organisation working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to improve quality of life, wellbeing and social inclusion. Our vision is for an Australia where all Australians live in harmony and where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people share the same rights, respect and access to opportunities and rewards, and where their culture is valued and recognised as an asset to Australian society. Community First Development is invited by communities to help them overcome disadvantage. Our role is to support communities with skills and resources not normally available to them. We do this with the enthusiasm and dedication of volunteers from all walks of life, from child care to construction, medicine to manufacturing, and gardening to grant-writing.

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